Abstract – 

  • The abstract should be written in Times New Roman
  • 12pt size font
  • the document should be single-line spaced.
  • The word limit should not exceed 300 words. 
  • Top, Bottom, and Right margins of the page should be set to 2.5 cm, and the left margin should be 3 cm. 
  • The fonts, sizes, and styles for the title, names of authors, and affiliations, should be as shown in the header of the paper. 
  • The affiliation should include the department/s and faculty/ies of the author/s.
  • The name of the presenting author should be underlined. 
  • The corresponding author (the author in contact with the Symposium Coordinators) should be identified with a <#> sign above the author’s name and his/her e-mail address should be provided as indicated above.
  • Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft® Word format.
  • The abstract should briefly point out the research problem, objectives, methodology/ experimental design, results and discussion, and conclusion.
  • Do not include section headings in the abstract. Citations, References, Figures, and Tables should not be included in the abstract.
  • The Word Document containing the abstract should be named as follows:

Initial Surname_Symposium Track.pdf

(Example: A Perera_Humanities and education.pdf).

Note that submissions which do not follow the requirements detailed above will be rejected.

Keywords: Please add a minimum of three to five keywords separated by commas.

NOTE – Single Paragraph format

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